General terms and conditions of sale

1 – ORDER :

The work realised by the company MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV) is agreed on by the present estimate as well as the relevant documents provided by the customer. The documents provided by the customer become a contractual agreement as from the apposition of MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV), which includes a signature and the date. The order will be definitive and the agreed time frame will start to run when the deposit contractually expected of 50% of the total price is received by MAISON LOUIS- MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV).


The company MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV) works on a made-to-order basis. There is therefore a manufacturing period for each order. The agreed time frame starts to run when the deposit contractually expected of 50% of the total price is received by MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV).


The price is determined on the present estimate. Any modification will require a specific new order and an agreement by both parties.
The customer commits himself to undertake the payment according to the following modalities:
50 % of the Total price including all taxes specified on the present estimate when placing the order,
50 % when manufacture is finished and before delivery. No order will leave the workshop before payment has been made by the customer.
Or according to a payment schedule validated in agreement with the customer.

Automatic late payment interest of three times the legal interest rate will be applied to any sum not paid on its due date, as well as the payment of the fixed allowance for recovery costs of 40 euros laid down in article L. 441-6 of the Commercial Code.


Throughout the contract, there is no termination by agreement. The deposit is non refundable.
When manufacture is finished, the customer receives a photo; the customer declares the order delivered and the contract completed.


The goods shall remain the property of MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV) until full payment of the invoices issued.


All transactions and litigations, which could occur during the contract, will be subject to French law. Only the Tribunal de Commerce du Mans (72) (Court of Arbitration in Business Matters) in France will be competent, regardless the place of delivery, mode or place of payment.


The present estimate shall be valid for three months from the date of issue.


Transport can be provided by MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV), the customer or a carrier according to the decision taken by MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV) in agreement with the customer.


When the customer becomes owner of a MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV) object, he does not become the owner of the rights of this object. MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV) conserves the rights on the intellectual property of the object.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of part or all the elements of the object, whatever the method or process used, is forbidden, unless prior permission has been given in writing by MAISON LOUIS-MARIE VINCENT (SARL LMV).

All unauthorised use of the object, or its elements, will be considered as counterfeit and sued according to the articles L.335- 2 and the following sections of the Intellectual Property Code.
All our creations are registered at the INPI.